What is Heart Rate Variability (HRV) [VIDEO]

Cason Lehman, LIFEstrength's Functional Health Coach, covers what Heart Variability (HRV) is and why it’s an important measurement of your health.

Cason’s specialty is coaching high-performers to uplevel their mental, physical, and emotional capabilities so that they can perform in their career, life, and body better.

Interested in measuring and managing your health? You can call Cason for a free phone consultation at 239-774-5433 or book online here.


[Cason] Hey, guys, it's Cason here!

On everyone's first visit here at LIFEstrength Health Center we perform a three minute measurement of what's called Heart Rate Variability, HRV for short.

You know, when you're stressed out and you feel tension or pain in your your body, maybe even feel your heart racing sometimes we may be experiencing stress in our body and not even know it.

Other times, maybe we're stressed on the inside, but nobody can tell on the outside because we mask it so well.

This is exactly why we measure HRV, because with this measurement, we can see how well or how poorly our body is adapting to stress and it's no longer a guessing game.

Most of us know about heart rate and beats per minute of our heart rate, but HRV is a totally different measurement.

It's actually measuring our autonomic nervous system.

And this is the system that's responsible for all of the automatic processes of our body.

These are things like breathing, heart rate, digestion, body temperature, everything that happens that we don't even think about.

The doctors and I here at LIFEstrength are going to be talking to you a lot about this autonomic nervous system, this automatic system, and how it can affect the way that you feel and how your body heals.

We all know how stress has an emotional component, but what we may not know is that stress also has a physical component, which can include things like physical injuries to our body, the structure of our spine, and the posture of our spine.

Stress also has a chemical component that involves things like the toxins in our food, toxins in the air that we breathe, and certain medications that we may be taking.

So after your three to five minute test, our device will give us a readout of how balanced, ordered, and coherent your heart rhythms are and what this does is this shows us how well your autonomic nervous system is functioning.

With this measurement, we are going to be able to build a much more personalized and specific plan of care to help you heal and then thrive qnd we're going to go in much deeper depth of the results on your second visit here at LIFEstrength.

But for now, if you want to know more about HRV and its details, check out a blog that I wrote by clicking the link below.

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