Dr. Cade's Cough Relief Top 5 [VIDEO]

1. Identify What Would Make The Cough Worse

The number one thing that I would do is make sure that we help identify the things that are going to make that cough worse.

Things like dairy are typically inflammatory and will thicken up the mucus. It’ll make that tickle, that inflammation, that irritation in the throat worse.

2. Identify What Type Of Cough It Is

The next thing would be to ask if it's more of a productive cough or more of a dry cough.

Productive Cough

If it's more productive and mucus is coming up and out, then that's great.

I would continue to encourage that with things like vibration on the back. You can do that with a percussion gun, if it's somebody who can handle that type of force. Those percussion guns are everywhere nowadays.

If it's a small child, you can use the butt end of an electric toothbrush.

Both of those things will drive percussion and vibration into the lungs, which will drive new blood flow and will help slough off some of that mucus so that you can cough it up more.

That will make the symptoms worse, but it will help you clear out that infection or what you're battling a little bit quicker.

Dry Cough

I would change the humidity if it’s more of a dry cough.

You can go into the bathroom, close the door, let that steam from the shower run and breathe in that humidity.

For extra bonus points, you can add some essential oils in there to really help you fight.

3. Boost Immunity With Vitamins

I would look into taking some Vitamin C and Vitamin D.

Those vitamins will help boost the immune system and help it fight that cough a little bit more.

If any of you have questions about dose, you can always reach out and we’ll go through that depending on your age and other things that might play a role.

4. Boost Immunity With Supplements

Biocidin and Colloidal Silver are supplements that will help fight on behalf of the immune system.

They will both work if it's more of a bacterial or viral infection that somebody is fighting.

5. Get Some NAC

Lastly, I want to make sure to bring up NAC, N-Acetyl Cysteine.

The FDA is going after N-Acetyl Cysteine right now because it's approved as both a supplement and as a drug – as an active ingredient in a drug.

The active ingredient in the drug is for a drug called Mucomyst. It reduces respiratory congestion, respiratory inflammation.

So get some NAC processing in.

You can find that in limited places nowadays, but that's a great one to have in your medicine cabinet.

Interested in strengthening your immunity? Call 239-774-5433 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Cade, LIFEstrength's Functional Medicine Doctor & Chiropractor.

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