Lateral Epicondylitis - Or Just Tennis Elbow

Dr. Cade and Dr. Duane talk about tennis elbow. The typical symptoms include pain at the outside of the elbow joint, but do you have to play tennis to get it? Why does it happen? What is the best way to get rid of it naturally? How can you prevent it going forward? Call 239-774-5433 to schedule your FREE 15 minute consult to see how we can help.

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Kids and Chiropractic

The first traumatic episode of life is birth. The stress that mom and baby go through to start life is tremendous and some are certainly tougher than other. Chiropractic excels at helping promote spinal and neurological alignment to help the body (any and every body) function and adapt at it’s highest potential.

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Ear Infections - Find Help Naturally

Some estimates say that nearly 80% of our little ones will suffer from an ear infection before the age of 2, and many of them suffering from multiple infections. That's a lot of pain, frustration and ... antibiotics. Here is our view on the topic and top tips to avoid!

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